Dear families,
I hope you had a great summer! Despite the rain and humid heat, summer did arrive. While you were enduring the humid heat here on the east coast I was in Utah, Colorado, New Mexico basking in dry 104 degrees heat, with family.
My colleagues and I have spent some of the summer planning our implementation of Reading Street which will incorporate Common Core standards into reading and writing. We will be delving into engaging non-ficition reading material of complex text that will be sure to extend our learning and discovery in many areas across the curriculum.
I look forward to seeing our new class and hearing all about summer adventures. My hope is to create a safe and happy learning environment that supports and honors student learning. I look forward to working with you in order to best serve the needs of your child.
Thank you,
Deb Pierotti
(P.S. Scroll down to view Curriculum overview for the year)